It's rare to see a novel or novella in this case to have such a good story and detail, personality to the characters.
In short I loved reading this book an amazing experience imagining those characters.
It is surely is an one sit read. Even if you don't want to you will end up reading in one go.
Now I would like to deep dive in the review
STORY:- I won't tell much about it bcoz I don't want to ruin your experience by slipping some spoiler here. So you will get a glimpse of what the story revolves around in the preface. And it's written so well that it maintains the line of not telling you more information then you need to want to read more.
The story starts with the introduction of the main characters and slowly builds up the story but it doesn't becomes a drag, it keeps you engaged with some weird events happening with the characters and you can see the hype building and all you will want is to know what's gonna happen on the next page. You will keep on predicting things but things will happen differently it's not that all your predictions will go wrong but most will that's what I experienced it maybe little different for you but still you will enjoy the story.
The last few chapters are written really well that you will feel like everything has ended that's it. But the next page or chapter will bring you new developments that will surely put a smile on your beautiful face.
I know that it's not a perfect story it does have few mistake but I didn't feel them to be a deal breaker most of you may not even notice them bcoz the flow of the story is good.
NOTE:- I have mostly read fiction from Indian authors so the flow of writing felt a little different but I got the flow in like 2-3 pages in to the book. I guess it's just a me thing just thought to mention it.
CHARCTERS:- how characters are written is, is what makes me recommend this book to you.
I know it's required to have a good story to make your experience better, but in my view if the characters don't feel alive, the story feels flat no matter how good the story is.
To make experience better we need to have both just like Romeo can't live without Juliet and vice versa hahah I know not the best comparison but I hope you got what I meant to say.
So even the smallest character (smallest by the amount the characters appeared in the story) have a certain personality which will make it easy for you to image how things are happening and how characters are reacting to those events.
You will surely get to like one character or the other. Bubblegum soda is my favourite, Period.
So I would like to conclude my review by saying. This novella made me happy, Happy reading the story, happy feeling the characters getting alive, happy getting immersed into the story, and happy wanting to read more even at the last page.
It made me feel bliss, I hope you will have a good experience too.
And thanks if someone read this to the end.
And thanks to the Author for presenting this story.