This is a richly detailed, well-researched, well-written and informative work. The material is timely and gut-wrenching. It is the TRUTH part of truth and reconciliation. I had to put the book down every few pages to absorb the "information" emotionally, historically, spiritually and as a citizen of both Canada and the United States. The parallels to Black Lives Matter in the book are unmistakable for the white supremacy narrative in North American history. I am keen to read the next book in my hunger for finding a way (personally and community-wide) to engage in the reconciliation process. Bob Joseph "had me" at the last two paragraphs his Introduction:
"In Kwak'walla we have the term "i'tusto", which means "to rise again". Getting rid of the INDIAN ACT will give First Nations, and Canada the nation state, the opportunity to rise again to be better and to be stronger. I hope you will join me in this quest to change the world one person at a time. I know this book can contribute to that goal. The "rising up" applies to all Canadians to understand that RECONCILIATION is not transactional. It is transformational. It will transform everyone who commits to the process - and begins with persons whom I already know and live near. The ones I most need for my owl liberation. Changing "public policy, attitudes and behaviour" will follow slowly and require patience and love.