This cleverly conceived thriller is about a doctor and his family trapped inside a farm by two criminals. The film is well-paced and the camera work is slick. Bruce has a surprising larger role then I expected as the grandfatherly patriarch and he's effective enough to keep be engrossed. The rest of cast are admirable. With the stand out being, Shae Buckner who plays a unhinged but sympathetic criminal and does well to add layers to the role. The single location setting is brought to the fore here by expert claustrophobic direction. The violence is intense, sometimes graphic but never over the top, and completely tense. It's not a big blow 'em up adventure story, it's just as dark, gritty, and realistic, in which things never go according to plan and innocent people always get hurt.
Unfortunately, after an engrossing game of cat and mouse, the conclusion is somewhat weak. Staple clichés crop up and the film goes for a crowd-pleasing finale that doesn't quite feel right. Still watchable though and a recommended stream.