The last season of House of Cards bears little, if no, resemblance to the previous seasons. The missing character of Frank Underwood proves fatal to the series. The revolving door of random characters that enter and exit the drama only prove to be confusing to the viewer as we try to understand the conspiracy behind the presidency. One scene is more unrealistic than the next, from the friendship between Claire and Annette which has always had a basis of jealousy so never rings true, to the continuous murder of those that surround Claire that are, frankly, ridiculous in number. Then we witness the unbelievable pregnancy after the death of her husband. This feels unrealistic since so much has happened since the death of her husband and physically impossible. The only true character to the Netflix show remains Stamper who never swerves from his composed, sober persona, intent on keeping his love for Frank Underwood alive no matter the repurcussions, be it his life or anyone’s else’s.