Call of duty warzone is definitely the best battle royal game. This game easily outperforms rivals in the same genre like apex or fortnite. You may say fortnite is better than call of duty, but you are completely wrong. There is no news in this game Not out of laughter, etc. Fortnite, for example, is a child-friendly game with very, very, very ridiculous dances. The exclusives of call od duty warzone were very good ideas, like gulag prison, winning which not only brings you back to It is played, but it gives the player the spirit to continue the match. The presence of buy stations in the game makes this game very attractive. The details of this game are shocking. Because it is no different from the reality, being the first person of the game was also an interesting idea. However, Activision does not have much skill in making third-person games. I can boldly say that call of duty warzone is the best battle royal game and I have no doubt that this game easily surpasses its rivals and in preparing this game you have a certain amount You should not doubt either.
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