For the last few years BBC television programmes could best be described as pedestrian and safe, they're not controversial that's for sure!
Right now, in-house productions in particular are pedestrian, safe and woke.
Actually, they are pedestrian, safe and comically woke!
Woke Dracula, Woke Silent Witness, Woke Doctor Who as examples, and an obvious reflection of how out of touch you people are with your diminishing listener and viewer demographics.
Acceptance exists!
Advertising, television and movies are manipulative, but it does not mean that you the BBC (or Hollywood ) has the right to preach to me.
You are here to entertain, and inform without bias, and obligated to the TV licence payees, to produce good television.
Doctor Who in it's present incarnation is not good television, instead it is dreadful, dispiriting, and very immature. Much has been said about this already. The show runner, the lead and very poor writing, personify what is so very wrong. Simply put, it is not Doctor Who anymore.
Who on earth is this show for then, it's not progressive or particularly entertaining, and some elocution lessons would definitely benefit the lead?
'Fam' is urban dictionary slang by the way.
Nevertheless, it can still be fixed, after all it is science fiction supposedly?
Why you the BBC would flush your most iconic and the best ever television science fiction show, and a fantastic commercial property (Matt Smith era in particular) down the toilet beggers belief, and all because you the BBC (Charlotte Moore, Director of Content) want the Doctor to be a woman, and so very transparent when Clara Oswald appeared? Traditionally the Doctor has always been a white male, and if the Doctor is travelling through Earth's history, then logic dictates that he has to be.
One of the James Bond movie franchise producers recently remarked, that Bond will always be a man, and if you want a strong female character, then go and write one. I thoroughly enjoyed Missy, River Song and Wonder Woman, so there you go!
You should now have the courage to admit to the mistake that this show is, rescind the seasonal contractual obligations, shut down production and start again with a new team, and one that truly understands Doctor Who, and its significance. It is not show fatigue causing its demise, it is you.