Bro i’ll give you 15 reasons why I don’t like this show 1. Danger force the characters Bose Chapa Mika Miles all of them don’t even have a great backstory Chapa cares about a phone💀
Bose is trying to be the new Jasper Mika is literally an annoying Charlotte Miles is probably the best than all of them but he’s also bad
2. Every season of danger force is getting boring
3. Every single character in the show are annoying
4. We will never get to see Henry Jasper and Charlotte fight in dystopia if there’s a movie coming in 2025
5. Chapa Bose Miles and Mika needs superpowers just to fight crime Henry can all of the villains by himself
6. All of the characters in danger force are just a Wannabe character from Henry danger Chapa is Piper Bose is Jasper Miles is Henry Mika is Charlotte
7. The show has a very bad plot
8. The characters are stupid
9. They really have bad, superhero names
10. This show is completely brainwashed And it’s only for a little kids this is why I completely stopped watching this show. This song is very a bad project I feel bad for the actors I wasn’t talking about them. I was talking about their plot.
11. Danger, force fans don’t get mad at me I was telling the truth
12. The show Has a lot of bad jokes
13. Henry danger, has better fight scenes like danger force to use their powers Just a fight crime that is sad
14. The show Every each season the show became bad
15. This is why you never make your show immature having a lot of jokes That is a reason why the show got canceled Nickelodeon good luck with this stupid show