This movie will definitely linger on even after the credits roll. It was so heart wrenchingly painful and yet so relatable. We are so connected and yet so disconnected at the same time in this modern world.... The Irony. The chemistry between the main leads was authentic and natural. The awkwardness, the uncomfortablness at the beginning of a relationship displayed so well. This movie was extremely personal to me as someone who lost my father at a young age and the number of times when I've achieved something major in life the thought of how my dad would feel hits hard. So many what ifs..... So many unsaid conversations..... Bring your tissues to the cinema this one is a tear jerker. The emotions don't feel forced, it happens so naturally, there's no grand philosophical conversations that happen and yet you can't help but feel a slight sense of heaviness in your chest. Calling my mom after this one and just letting her know I love her. Sitting in bus typing this and thinking of all the What Ifs.......