What can I say about this show? I have just finished the final series and I am going to miss all of the characters so much. I've spent hours upon hours getting to know Rebecca, Jack, Kate, Randall and Kevin, plus the secondary characters, William being my favourite. Then Beth who balanced Randal out so well and of course Sophie who came back. Characters with many dimensions and I love how tastefully it explains how and why they behave in certain ways. Their Dad dying in their teens was an Adverse Childhood Experience which affected them all in different ways, again tastefully captured. Having lost my own mum to dementia, I feel this was very well written too. Especially around the impact upon the family.
I love how it highlighted how we evolve in life though our experiences. Kevin being the one who developed the most I feel.
Also the actors who played the various characters at various ages wffe amazing. Amazing writing and casting.
The only 2 negative things I can say about this show is, I wish William soumdnt have died so early and I missed Katoby.