Like all other films and TV shows from a Western perspective, this film still manages to belittle Asians subtly and unnoticed. In the science fiction novel "The Three-Body Problem," the roles of outstanding East Asian males with a sense of justice and mission, such as Luo Ji, Ding Yi, Chang Weisi, and Zhang Beihai, are either replaced by white actors by the cunning producers or their significant parts are transferred to an old white male, Wade. Like in all other dramas, East Asian males are either pushed behind the scenes or caricatured as short, fat, and cowardly buffoons.
科幻小说《三体》原著 里面 罗辑 、 丁仪、常伟思、章北海 这些优秀的具备正义感使命感的东亚男性的角色,要么被被鸡贼的制片方把整个角色换成白人演员,要么被制片方把戏份嫁接到韦德一个老白男身上。和其他所有戏一样,东亚男性要么被压在幕后,要么被丑化成矮小、肥胖、懦弱的丑角。