Honestly Civil War is mediocre at best. The story is lacking so much depth and realness it feels like a low budget film you'd find on YouTube. You really care nothing for the main characters, so when a few get dropped it's like "hmm oh well". All of the more "shocking" moments aren't nothing to note about or even remember. I also think the fact they never state why or how the war even started is a coward move on the film makers, so as not to offend anyone or take a stance. The end scene up against the president was so lackluster for an ending it just tarnished the film in whole. I also think the film makers knew this and that's why they threw in the tidbit of succession. I mean they hype you up with a really good sequence of the WF getting ready for invasion of DC and it just falls FLAAAAAT. I guess A24 can and does miss, cause the content they been bringing out has been amazing, except for this. So if you're reading this, wait until released on streaming to watch and don't waste your money at the theater.