Great made for TV movie. I am a huge fan of Stephen King and horror.
Favorite line from the movie came from the constable Mike Anderson (Tim Daly):
Well, there's part of that story that's never been written down. After the contest for Job's soul was over and God wins, Job falls to his knees and says, "God, why have you done this to me? All my life I worshiped you and you destroyed my livestock, you blighted my crops, you KILLED my wife AND my children, you gave me a hundred horrible diseases... and all because you had a bet going with the Devil? Well, okay, but all I want to know Lord, is... all your humble servant wants to know is... WHY ME? Job waits... and just as he's convinced that God isn't gonna answer him, a thunderhead forms in the sky. Lightning flashes and a voice calls down... "Job... I guess there's just something about you that pisses me off!"