Why is Knuckes, Jewish now? That didn't sit well with me. There was a whole episode dedicated for the veiwer to learn about the Jewish Tradition, why? Why was there a whole episode about their pathetic dinner who no one cares about?
Did white european Jews invented Sonic or was it the Japaenese?
Why was it forced down our throats to know the stupid candles and what the heck the stupif dinner is? Who the heck cares we're here to watch Knuckles. Not the Killers of Palestenians.
Jews just make a spec of the world's population. Why do they get the exposure not even Christians get let alone Muslims or Hindus? Does that sound proportionate?
No one likes your Zionist Agenda to make propaganda.
Knuckles is not Jewish, he is a Hero and if he were in real world he'd fight for the Palestenians.
Very stupid to show to force Jews onto the veiwer.