This movie looks at dating, marriage and family values through the lens of feminism and caters to the vanity and self-importance of beautiful women. The guy has to invest all his time, energy, skills, emotions and resources and bend backwards, if necessary, in order to appease his lady-love.
Such a gentleman is too impossible and well-nigh utopian to imagine, especially, in the Indian dating scene. He also runs the risk of being labelled as a jobless bum by the families of both--boy and girl, contrary to what is depicted in the movie.
Boys in general are brought up in an atmosphere where brahmacharya or continence is highly respected and valued in Indian conservative households, a scenario very different from the USA or Europe. Being so, it requires not only unusual courage from a boy to chat up to a girl, but also unusual self-abnegation to handle rejection or even reproach from her. Or, boy and girl should have been neighbours or mates at school, college or office.
Furthermore, often civil attention or a benign gaze from the boy is enough to irk an Indian girl and make her paranoid: this is celebrated as female intuition or her third eye! Also, Indian laws are indulgent towards women and boys can get on the wrong side of the law for even a silly impish peccadillo.
Therefore given the odds stacked heavily against boys in the Indian context, the only alternative is for the girl to walk up to a guy; initiate an overture; or ask the guy out for a date. That would be a desi version of modern dating. So Indian filmmakers! Create such content, please...that would be more realistic.
Further, filmmakers, nowadays, create plots wherein the woman's ego and value-systems are so refined and high-brow that even a small backsliding or slightest blooper from the boy is enough to offend her and prompt her to call it quits. Or the man is shown as utterly fallible while the woman is a paragon of perfection and can therefore, do no wrong.
Such hypersensitivity and 'upwomanship' not only disqualifies her for any enduring or meaningful relationship with men but also discourages men from the dating circuit since they are perpetually envisioned as much-flawed characters. So, please create more credible, balanced content.
Lastly, my moot question to the makers of this film is only this: will such hypersensitivity in a woman be tolerated by the guy if she were egregiously obese? Or will the filmmaker ever cast such a hypersensitive, fastidious but overweight woman as his film's lead heroine? Or would such an obese woman --having the same tender set of values the pretty heroine espouses, be wooed in a similar desperate manner by the 'handsome" hero?!!!
The filmmaker cannot afford the risk, since it will not sell! So, the message is abundantly clear: a man must love her tender values but ignore hypersensitivity or any other imperfection in a woman just because she is slim and beautiful.
Thus the film not only devalues woman, but also, degrades the man. In an eagerness to celebrate beauty, it defeats the cause of feminism!