The show went from very unique & raw story to a typical drama. Adi the male lead is forced to marry this young girl Imlie. He already has long term GF who he promised to marry, Malini. Though he tries to tell her that he's been forced to marry Imlie at gun point, due to her health he stays quiet. He eventually marries Malini. The character development was going great & there was progression in the story. Adi after many incidents realizes his love for Malini is pure friendship, comfort & trust. He truly loves Imlie. After many events he finally does the right thing & tells Malini & his family that Imlie is his wife. Just when the audience digests the fact that Adi's true love is Imlie, they turn the Malini character grey. Though her anger & frustration is understood but she decides to drug her soon to be ex husband and suggestively spends the night with him. & she may be pregnant. The story went from a complex love story exploring raw human emotion to somewhat of a C grade plot. I give it 2 stars for Gashmeer & Sumbul's amazing acting skills. They invoke true emotions through their acting. Otherwise deserves a zero rating.