Netflix's latest shark thriller, "Under Paris," dives into the depths of the Seine, promising a whirlpool of terror and suspense. Armed with state-of-the-art equipment, the film delivers visually striking scenes that momentarily stir the waters of cinematic excitement. The opening encounter with the sharks sets a promising tone, blending a dose of realism with the anticipated thrills of a shark movie. However, the film quickly sinks under the weight of its own ambitions.
"Under Paris" aspires to realism, which is commendable but ultimately its downfall. The plot, rather than being engagingly absurd as one might hope from a shark movie, is laughably incoherent. It's a jarring mismatch against the backdrop of what could have been a delightfully cheesy romp. Instead, the film takes itself too seriously, leaving viewers like myself not just disappointed but frustrated.
The portrayal of characters in "Under Paris" only exacerbates this disappointment. The film is peopled with caricatures so stereotypically French that they border on unpalatable. These characters come across as rude and unpleasant, stripping away any potential for them to be relatable or likable protagonists. The acting, while not the worst, does nothing to lift these characters out of their scripted depths, remaining mediocre at best.
In its pursuit to blend realism with the fantastical elements of shark-based horror, "Under Paris" misses the mark. It neither entertains thoroughly nor does it manage to craft a credible narrative, leaving a viewer like me not just dissatisfied but also distinctly annoyed.
In conclusion, while "Under Paris" might catch your eye with its crisp cinematography and a promising start, it quickly devolves into a murky mix of unrealistic realism and unlikable characters. For those seeking a fun, shark-infested thrill ride, this movie may not be the catch you’re hoping for.