I am sorry to say that the way this movie depicts kidney transplants is VERY WRONG.
1. Kidney donors are given an extensive physical prior to their donating. Therefore a prospective donor must be in very good health and have no apparent illness that would make the operation dangerous or reveal any medical issue that may put him in need a a kidney in his future. The likely hood of being in a coma or death is minuscule, the same as any other operation, very small. Not the terrible outcome you portray.
2. Being called on the recipients cell phone is nonsence.
She would know the planned date, and also would have an extensive physical for her to qualify for the kidney.
3. The donor would also have physiological testing, since he was not her father.
Anyone watching this movie and its false depiction of the transplant events would be too SCARED to be a kidney donor.
YOU HAVE DONE A DISSERVICE TO ANYONE WAITING FOR A KIDNEY.......this movie should be taken off NetFlicks
Please do your research on future movies......
I am a kidney recipient and have given talks and studied this issue.