Actually I have not seen this film yet but this close to us all in a different way, I think. We are all experiencing to some degree the serious effects of pollution and especially chemical contaminants that are protected under the guise of “safe until proven otherwise.” A good example is the manner in which glyphosate has been approved despite the clear issues concerning the surfactants/enhancers added to herbicides to increase absorption. This chemical leaches minerals from the ground, the plants and all living bodies. The effects are not difficult to understand; nor are the effects of other herbi- pesticides. Ironically, quite a few of these are used to “mimic” Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases in research. In the case of glyphosate its namesake herbicide is still on the market, thanks to lobbying and government protection.
When will it end? How long will the perpetrators go unpunished? In the case of Minamata, justice came too slowly. And if it were an American child who suffered?
For God’s sake, think!!!