I think the game is fairly good but there is still a ton of ways to improve. First things first- table stakes - I can’t relogin into the app without explicitly closing it and restarting it. Try leaving it on - switching to a streaming app and then go back, or just turn off tv. Second - there is plenty of bugs, as engineer I know it’s hard to fix it all but there are some annoying bugs like when you pick a uniform, click save and then you can see that it reverses to an old one for a second before the next screen. Third - improve controls - it’s all over the place, moving around should be easier. I am getting used to it but I feel like it might be a bit too complex.
Now the summary - I feel like this game has enormous potential but it’s almost in beta still. Please 🙏 keep working and I believe it will be huge one day - seamless transition between screens, fix P0 and P1s and keep making the gamer experience more intuitive.