The show constantly wields the "all men are bad" hammer. Every girl is oppressed by teh Patriarchy, the only slight difference is that it does include men who aren't white. Having said that, one person of colour has white foster parents.
Whilst I agree that men who force themselves on children are deserving of a huge punishment, this program would have us cheer the electrocution of a man because a young girl listened to a voice in her head. We would normally consider her mad. Punishment should be through the legal process, I am hoping the story will have her put on trial.
Almost every man is shown in a bad light. In the Mayor's meeting, she patronisingly praises the people in the room, even though the only people to speak up've guessed it : women.
The few men who actually have some small part to play are weak, easily dominated by the women in their lives. The father allows his daughter to storm off while he is speaking to her. Roxy's dad instantly changes from bad a*se criminal to placating law abider so that Roxy will *have* to find her mother's killers by herself. Mind you, Roxy is the most interesting character so far, I might keep going through this stomach churning men bashing series just to see what happens to her.