Plot convenience after plot convenience and characters with no critical thinking skills but a surplus of stupidity. In the book community they'd be labeled as TSTL (too stupid to live). I'm giving it 2 stars because I only watched episode one, but imo even that's enough to judge the quality. A couple things that were notably poorly done or dumb: The way the bullying happened was unrealistically dramatic with no build up. The high tech security system should've been able to tell 1 person vs 2. There's no way they'd keep a rabid / infected dog inside a safe without it being leashed, or else how else would the scientists be able to safely work w/ it. Billie literally gets bailed out of a legal assault case by her dad then proceeds to go behind his back with the intention of causing a major scandal for his workplace. Plus her black and white reasoning of "animal cruelty is bad" is grossly oversimplified. I doubt the dad, if he's the only one in the business who can do what he does, would have the same password for everything, much less to his workplace account which includes secrets that would sink the company. How did these kids get away with treating their dad so terribly with complete impunity? Big attitude issues. Also who can go 6 months camping out studying this zombie population solo then nearly get herself ganked b/c she accidentally gets a cut? And at the end of ep 1 she escapes by… jumping off a building into a zombie horde… and presumably doesn't die, somehow.