Edited: When I saw the movie trailer and finally watched it, it looked like it has potential, where it shows that you can find love in arranged marriages at least that's what I got from the looks of it, I did laugh a bit but as the movie progressed the way it portrays Islam and Muslims is utterly disappointing. The Female Lead is so entitled that she can't even respect Kaz as a Muslim or heck his decision to get an arranged marriage. Just because you can't find love doesn't;t mean others can't. Is obvious you're the problem. She finds it odd that you wait until get married to have s**. she finds it odd that a 30-plus man can still be a virgin. What the heck is wrong with her, If haram means haram, why try to normalise that drinking is okay etc? But the way the movie is trying to portray Islam is that you can't find happiness or be married within your religion. Hated the third act, especially the last scene.
Edited: As a Muslim, myself this movie is disrespectful to my religion. First and most in Islam it is impermissible to kiss or have any sexual intimacy with someone you're not married to and it is not okay to openly admit your sin to others, keep it between you and ALLAH SWT and always repent. Allah loves those who repent to him. What's haram is haram and what's halal is halal