I don't deny that this movie is goofier than it is scary, that it is outlandishly contrived, that it is permeated with flaws from its lousy script to its ludicrous acting along with its obnoxiously frequent lapses into puerile silliness and stumbling attempts at humor. Nevertheless I will always have a special appreciation for this movie and will tirelessly defend it as what I believe to be one of the most visually stunning films in the horror genre. Despite all the flaws that detract from any mood of foreboding or lurking terror, I believe the atmosphere is so richly inspired and uniquely impressive that it compensates from the bevy of weaknesses which would otherwise leave this movie in the garbage bin of forgettable third-rate remakes. Put the movie on mute during all its annoying segments of dialogue, but tune in for the riveting soundtrack that complements the lavish Gothic splendor of the haunted house setting. I recommend this for the exhilarating visual experience if nothing else.