Absolutely terrible movie. Do not waste your time like I did. It’s literally the same scene the entire movie aside from the very beginning and very end. Nothing happened except them doing every day activities. Wakes up, brushes teeth, eats at the table, she feeds the kid, he digs a hole in the yard, he goes to sleep in the hole, she goes to sleep inside, they wake up, brush their teeth, eat, kid watches tv, he digs the hole, she sits there and stares at the walls, they go to bed, so on and so forth……It was almost so bad that I had to keep watching because I thought something good has to happen soon, like it just has to. There’s no way something is not about to happen. Then, I got to the end and still nothing had happened, and I was just pissed that I wasted my time on it. I get what they were trying to do with the movie but wow what a waste of a potentially decent plot/storyline.