One of my absolute favorite songs from my childhood.
Unfortunately, I’m having a hard time listening to it, since my 12 y.o niece passed away 3/25/21. She was disabled, related to a horrific injury when she was 3 months old.
We were never able to learn 100%, what happened to her. & WOW, writing this out, we also didn’t get a cause of death.
Despite her “Special Ability” ( that’s what I called it), she was never sick. I mean, not a cold, not the flu, nothing. I remember finally bringing her to my Moms house, she assumed custody, we both sat & looked at each other, with the “What the hell do we do now!!?” Look.
That’s was partly because of the hospital. I was just about 17-18 & even I could tell, they were trying to paint this impossible picture.
Anyway, My Elyza Rae, definitely gave us a run for our money. It wasn’t always rainbows & sunshine, but with her, it didn’t need to be. Missing her