Tamron, I loved you on the Today show and NBC news. Your show is okay for content most of the time, but a lot of times I find it is narrowly focused on African American issues where you are not inclusive of other races or at least that is the way you and your guests make me and some of my friends and family feel.
I think it is great that you bring attention to the Black Lives Matter movement and to the Pandemic. But there are many races suffering poverty, death and a gamete of other social issues. I think your new producers will find that I am not the only voice here. Most disgruntled viewers won't say a thing and your ratings will continue to decline. But, you have to be true to your audience, I thought you might want to appeal to a more diverse viewership but I was mistaken.
All lives matter. Today, I heard one of your guests say that black single parents were suffering like they were the only issue... What about other single parents? Do they matter? Do they suffer?