I am disgusted with the news in the past year .. start reporting the truth about Government over reach including the NDP in BC and The Federal Government in Ottawa the coverage of the Freedom 2022 convoy to Ottawa was rediculously one side I guess you had to be there to know the truth. Now Trudeau is in Brussels speaking to the European Parliament and his speech was boycotted by most of it's members and several of the members spoke out on Trudeaus treatment of Canadian citizens but where is the coverage on this You are supposed to report these things whether they are good or bad for the government. Horgans insulting the protestors in Victoria telling them to go home and watch the news to get the truth what a joke ,. does he think he is better than everyone else its time for the producers at Global to stand for Canadian citizens not cow down to these government bullies. Do it now or lose your ratings truth always wins in the end Thanks in advance David Jellett citizen of Houston BC Canada not afraid to use my real name and location