I appreciated that it seemed historically accurate. Liked the references to Norse mythology, rituals, shamans, Viking culture, costumes, and scenery. But all of that stuff made up about 10 minutes of the film and was rushed.
The rest was just an incredibly boring and predictable story that was interchangeable with any other generic action film; Father is betrayed by uncle, protagonist goes away and becomes a ‘man’, protagonist comes back, falls in love, avenges father. I’ve seen a similar story 100 times and seen it done 100x better in other films. The protagonist wasn’t interesting and I didn’t care if he succeeded or not.
Terrible pacing. Too fast. Wouldn’t loved some more ambient scenes and world building.
The fight scenes were awful. Men just walking up to the protagonist, dropping their weapons and instantly dying. Every attack looked ridiculous and over telegraphed, more akin to campy dancing.
Also incredibly disappointed in the lack of Willem Defoe.