Inhumane. Shame on the project hosts.
How can kate langbrook and the other hosts hear of children of Palestine been slaughtered and show no reaction.
An Australian doctor from Gaza telling them a 5 year old was shot or bombed in his stomach and the shrapnel ripped through to his insides and ripped out his bum and backside.
The doctor holding back tears.
NO sympathy. NO tears. NO care or love shown.
The Palestinian story about the life’s guards teaching the children of Gaza to lifeguard
Showing two beautiful angels - brother and sister
Thanking Australia for their gift.
Praying they live a good life like us in Australia.
The lifeguard tells the project hosts of 3 cold fish - Kate and sarah - that those 2 children were killed by the Israeli soldiers.
NO comment.
NO tears
NO condemnation
YOU are cowards.
You are weak sad pathetic people.
Scared to show emotion about a Palestinian child
Scared to cry out for them and give them a voice horrible ugly cold humans.
You are the weak that cry if someone overtakes you on the road.
You are the weak that cry if the coffee you ordered is not hot enough.
You are weak and may God never forgive you for not saying God rest their souls.
Or acknowledging them.
You have children their age.
God curse those that are scared of the Zionist
God curse all those that hide instead of protecting a child.