Overall it starts pretty strong but falls off extremely fast. This game feels like a regression of almost every mechanic introduced in Fallout 4 with very few improvements. It seems like quite a lot of corners were cut and there was no coherent idea what this game was supposed to be.
Just to give you an idea how lackluster this game is. There are three categories of ranged weapons: laser, ballistic and particle beam. Each of them have their own dedicated perks which require a substantial investment to specialize with one of the weapon types. The issue is the amount of weapons in each category. Laser weapons include only 3 (three) weapons, particle beams consist of only 4 (four) weapons and ballistics have about 30 (thirty) weapons. Every aspect of this game is weird and undercooked like this.
Don't pay full price for it, you'll be eventually disappointed. I'd say wait for a year when it'll get some patches and content, and pick it up on sale.