Spoiler alert!
This is not James Bond. This is a retired guy who has a family and trust issues and old enemies. Despite having a steady girlfriend, Bond is still hung up on one of his old Bond girls - and that has to get woven into the plot. Someone took Bond’s employee number at work, and then we’re supposed to believe that’s a real emotional issue for both of them. The whole movie Is just not who James Bond is- it’s clearly supposed to be a more responsible, socially acceptable James Bond. Like if you recast Darth Vader as a mostly nice but misguided old guy, or had Superman be just a tiny bit stronger than the average guy. The big villains lair was stolen right out of Austin Powers. When Bond finally starts doing what he’s supposed to do (ie blowing stuff up and shooting bad guys to save the world), he’s doing it as a dynamic duo with the lady who was assigned his employee number, and there’s very little thought or use of Q’s gadgetry. It’s just a run of the mill shoot em up. The ending is particularly heinous as Bond “self terminates” for no reason, other than I guess we’re supposed to think he’s just emotionally spent. Trash portrayal of Bond. Ian Flemming would weep.