Don’t read it as it may have “spoilers”! 🙄
I really don’t appreciate terror movies, but decided to be brave this time, face my unreasonable fears (it’s just a movie!) and watched it alone, but not before having my eyes partially closed (not blindfoaded, of course) and during day light. Did you get the picture? LOL It’s indeed a gut scaring psychological film, full of interpretations, meanings and guessing, and watched it holding my breath the entire time. But it was worth it. Very well done!
How I understood it? Aside all the common sense explanation of our own current way ol life, being aloof, distant, disconnected, losing compassion, solidarity, interaction, etc, and perhaps blamimg the excess of technology addiction. One scene I thought was not really quite possible: a blindfolded woman and two kids are tossed out the boat in the convoluted river waters, and yet she got to find and save them? 🤔😳 Hard to believe, but the film message seems to be hope. However, I perceived more than all that and, in a way, nothing about that.
The fact that the “alien creatures” were not ever seen but “felt”, the lack of mobility, the troubled, undesirable pregnancy, the adoption of a newborn of a dead stranger trapped like her, and mostly, the darness of a blindfolded sort of living took me to a scaring in-depth place: pre and post pregnancy depression!!! I’ve been there! Mildly, for my good fortune. But the level of our inner insecurities, the uncontrolable fears, the incapacites that impair us, the excrutiating anguish for an unforeen future we experience during and after a child is born, is a devastating package. Depression is NOT a sad state of soul. It’s a chemical cerebral imbalance, a DISEASE! This extraordinary film just painfully reminded me of all that dark situation though I can’t explain why that feeling surfaced. I may have just got “lost in translation”, hopefully. LOL Regardless, I loved the film!