Overall, the game is great. The graphics are beautiful and it’s amazing to be able to play through the iconic Hogwarts school. Attention to detail for the external hamlets/ environment was also a key feature for me. Gameplay is solid with multiple short side quest that keep the game fairly interesting.
My major downsides are how quick the game progresses. I feel like I could have easily beat the game in a day had I had that time on my hands. I also feel like the game was fairly short in terms of quests. I definitely thought the game went progress through your characters remaining years at Hogwarts, so realizing that you are only able to complete one school year in the game was a big bummer. Lastly, I wish there was more relationship development amongst supporting characters, and that the decisions you make in the game truly impacted the outcome of the quest/end result of the game. hopefully developers address these issues with DLC and game updates. I feel like the price tag should have come with a more immersive, extensive and interactive game. Especially being based on a expansive series, such Harry Potter/Hogwarts.
All in all, the game offers a niche and nostalgic window for anyone who dreamed of wearing the sorting hat, and wondering what it was like to be a student at Hogwarts. Definitely worth a play, and hopefully it gets better over time!