Honestly, in my lifetime, I’ve only bought fifa 17, 18, and 20, then I took a 4 year break bc I didn’t have a ps4 anymore, and when I got my ps5, I got fc24, honestly fc was trash. But when I got fc25 though, through EA play subscription, the gameplay felt alright, but it just didn’t feel like I was in control of my players if that makes sense, so fc24 is trash, but not as bad as fc25 in general. Me as a person, I prefer fifa 17 but more so fifa 18, fifa 19 gameplay when it first came out looked aight, but fifa 19 was an updated fifa 18 so that didn’t count to me tbh. In short, fc25 sucks, the career mode is average or below average at best, and the only decent part is the graphics, which is very shallow for me to say and I’m working off of a low standard of games in the past 3-4 yrs of fifa from what I’ve seen online on yt and what my friends told me, and my experience from when I played against my friends. So yeah, mb for the essay, just had to say my piece.