This movie quite literally changed my life. The breathtaking visuals and the outstanding camera work and dialogue. I cry every time Bill Biscaine says the famous line of "I'm Bill Biscaine and if you touch my diapers, you're fired!". Such a thought provoking amazing movie quite possibly rivals even the Godfather in quality. I have watched this movie daily since it came out in 2004 and I have to say this movie is a gift from God himself. This movie might possibly be- NO it is the best work of art ever to be seen by mortal eyes! I will defend this movie till the day I die! Those who give this magnificent movie a score less than a 10/10 will perish by God himself and will be sent to the deepest depths of hell, for I believe that Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 is the greatest piece of media ever created. It's an actual travesty this movie didn't win an Oscar. It was snubbed by the corporate greed of those pretentious douchebags and they will get what they deserve. I would rate this movie 6 stars if I could because Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 will forever be the greatest piece any mortal has made.