I’m a book reader so you can tell what’s coming but let me explain. The books are fantastic and this was a brilliant opportunity to bring the story to life but sadly this show is a huge disappointment in comparison. I really wanted it to do well and I was excited because even the comic book series based on Eye of the World was a success.
This show is so far from the source material it’s unreal. I never understand why directors/producers/writers do this when adapting books for film/tv. But this could be one of the worst adaptions I’ve ever seen. At least GoT stuck with the source material with the first 5 seasons and is the very reason why that show was so successful to begin with. There’s a reason why people love the WoT books so if you stick to that formula you’re onto a winner. I remained faithful and watched this entire whole season but the characters, plot and world were nothing like I imagined. In fact, the characters were the most disappointing aspect, they are completely different and have been changed on purpose to suit other production agendas. I bet you any money that’s the reason why the guy who played Matt left the show when he realised his character was being butchered. Poor music, poor acting, poor casting. Pretty abysmal!