I have never seen this movie but I’m giving it 5 stars either way. It might be bad for all I know, but I am SICK of reading these one star reviews from people who do not have any valid criticisms for the movie itself and only critique the inclusion of an LGBTQ+ character and interracial marriage!! Like seriously, what year is this??? I am genuinely losing more faith in humanity everyday.
By the way, I don’t see these parents who say 2 boys liking each other is inappropriate for children saying anything about the multitudes of kids movies depicting straight people kissing. They can hide behind their “I’m liberal/progressive but…” or “people can love who they want but…” but no matter how many excuses they give, it is clear that they hold double standards and are really just homophobic.
Anyway, I hope to see this movie soon, the trailers look good and because I don’t live in the year 1945, I am excited to see the diverse cast of characters in this movie.