This station is so pro Toronto maple leafs james duthie shouldnt be hosting anything to do with hockey. Stick him on the golf desk are the soccer desk are better yet put him on HGTV he calls goals baskets not a hockey host that i wanna listen to for info and that goes for his lover craig button which has tunnel vision for the leafs not a big suprise there and the flames no matter how much these teams suck which they do thats all he really praises what im getting at is this station is stuck in the 90s bob,and darren dregger and a few others like pierre and i cant really think of their names right now keep them some what relevant with there legit hockey knowledge TSN needs to get updated and be the future not the past they are lucky canada only has 1 other station to compete with and it seems like there content with being 2nd rate SPORTS NET is the future minis Elliot friedman he should get traded to tsn for dreagger