Hey everyone, (-1 star)
I just watched the latest Netflix release, and let me be blunt—I hated it. As a staunch South Indian cinema enthusiast, the first 30 minutes of this movie left me fuming. Naming it after our goddess Annapurna, only to take a nosedive into an offensive narrative about a Brahman family and their daughter's culinary dreams, defies all taste. And guess what? She starts eating non-veg in order achieve her dreams and also a muslim guy helps her in this process, and I hit the stop button. Is this the direction South Indian cinema is heading, joining the Bollywood circus?
Nayantara, I had respect for you until now. Your involvement in this project makes me question your priorities. Is it about personal success over respecting beliefs? And to the mastermind behind this debacle, quit peddling such garbage ideologies.
All Viewers, decide for yourselves.
Akshay Kshatriya