Extremely short story (albeit interesting), terrible navigation and map outlay. I finished the story within 15 hours, and I wasn't rushing through it, coincidentally I probably would have finished it quicker if the FPS and performance wasn't so jittery and laggy. Visually it can be great at times, but those time are far and few between. The game just looks very poorly pixilated , particularly in larger areas, so textures and Cal seem grainy and blurry a lot of the time. Honestly I wouldn't pay full wack for this game, I regret I did. If you're reading this, wait until a price drop, and hopefully they'll be able to patch MANY of the issues holding it back on PS5 and PC. Even so I still wouldn't pay 70 for it, it's too short a game with very little going for it once the story is over (there isn't nearly as many collectibles as they'd want you to think). If it's going for 30 and it's fully patched, sure, go for it, otherwise steer clear.