Wut the hell is wrong with u people? Way to make a shitty movie. I wanted to watch a good joker movie an I watched a dollar store version of high-school musical. High school musical was better then this. This movie was so awful I actually wanted to hang myself cause I knew I couldn't take that part of my life back. Anyone who thinks this was good was probably stoned off the worst shit u could smoke. I wish I could take this 1 star off cause yall stupid asses don't deserve a star u amateur low budget lil fuks. Let something I coulda spent 100 bucks an made a better movie u bums, WAY TO SCREW A JOKER MOVIE, YALL HORRIBLE, YALL SUCK, STOP TRYIN TO MAKE MOVIES U DAM BUMS CAUSE U SUCK!!!!!!!!! ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE UR FAMILYS LEAVE U ALONE IN LIFE IN THE DESSERT WITH NO WATER, MAKE A MOVIE OUTTA THAT U BUMS