Was hoping for a refreshing space epic and was sadly disappointed. The story itself is ok but the telling is lackluster. The writing is predictable, lacking nuance and the acting (or directing) comes across as amateur. The set design and photography rival a mediocre made for TV science fiction. Music and sound design are stale, offering nothing new. Shot for shot, there was plenty ripped off of StarWars tropes. The hot mean gurl “protagonist” is just another in a long line of leading ladies who fall short of the mark because the studio wants a certain look. Also, big bad budget Cillian Murphy is too obvious and cartoony. None of the characters in this movie are believable, especially when they perform in a setting that in no way feels lived in. I would go on about the shortcomings, but I would just be repeating more of the same for each member of the rag tag group of hastily assembled heroes. With so much press about this movie, it’s a shame the quality was so low. Another disappointing product from Snyder.