This is truely A cood sho, Eye Luove teh wey thet the Sheldon does the thing they do., He was a good man, U reley don't know what you have until you've seen Yung Sheldon, It is best show to be, I love Sheldodn aNd his BRotheRH is funnee 2, If I could watsch only ONE shoe, It Wood be Sheldon's Young advenchures. I sahy this is best shoh. I was through tuf time and Sheldon was there for me, he walked in to my howse and he said, "I am the one TRUE" If I ask what he meant, he sayz, "I am too be the one that there is!" It is pretty haha phunnee, I love how sheldon saved my son from my marriage, it trooly waz there, And I had canser and I said put on YouUng Shedlfong and he did, and I was soo happee that I said YAY! And 1 time there was a dog and His nayme was to be Bizcutzs, and he tol me he luv yung sheldon, and so we watch some yung sheldon before we go too bed and too sleep, he is a true good dawg, I love him and so I love some yonger Shredyou'relong.