Wall-flower liberals demanding their idea of change in gun control, passing more laws. If these shooters obeyed the liberal's laws, there would be no shootings. They choose the soft targets knowing the will not encounter opposition. School districts in Texas have the option to arm teachers to be able to fight back against these criminals, but liberal School boards say, "not in my schools". New gun control laws will not stop the criminals. It only makes law abiding citizens into criminals.
Also, these liberals don't even know what they are talking about. Not a single one of these shootings involved 'automatic' weapons. They call every gun an 'assault' gun. At least learn what you are talking about.
The problem is in the 'zero tolerance' rules. In the past, bullying would result in a School yard fight which unusually stopped the bullying. But thanks to zero tolerance, the victims just has to keep taking it until they snap.
Add in social media where they get an instant audience, leads to acting boldly without regard to their soon to be victims.
Finally, parents have failed these shooters. Failing to guide them and teach them right from wrong. Failing to discipline them. Spare the rod, spoil the child.
New laws will fix nothing.
The 2nd ammendment guarantees the RIGHT to keep and bear arms. The government shall pass no laws to infringe on this right.
Driving is a privilege, not a right. Yet nobody screams, cries, and demands and end to cars because car accidents cause for more deaths than guns. Drunk and impaired drivers alone kill more Americans than gun violence. We tried to outlaw alcohol (prohibition) and it didn't work. It created far more problems than it intended to fix.
More gun laws will solve nothing. Without an armed citizenry, the government will soon take away free speech, freedom of the press, freedom to assemble, freedom to petition the government, freedom to own property, and so on.
And there will still be gun violence by criminals.
Studies estimate that medical error and malpractice kills 250,000 Americans annually, but nobody cries and screams let's get rid of all the doctors.