Lord help me where do I start?!
I was sat in my IMAX cinema seat ( having paid over £18 for a ticket!) literally squeeing with excitement when the green titles and familiar music came on…. Awaiting the most exciting sequel of my little lifetime…And that is exactly where it ended.
No amazing screen exploding entrance a la Trinity in Reloaded….
No slap-you-round the chops introduction to new EXCITING characters that left you with your mouth open, drooling….
No amazing new fighting techniques or CGI… ITS BEEN 20 YEARS!!!! For the love of all that is Neo I’ve seen better quality video games!!
The God awful two dimensional new characters that were introduced to us were about as convincing as Mr Tumble!! The unnecessary revamp of old characters who brought nothing to movie ( MAJOR missed opportunity with the Merovingian and who the f was Smith played by?!) There was no depth or passion, no fight, no real bond. The inconsistencies of the characters throughout the film were gobsmackingly painful to watch. And don’t get me started on “ Morpheus” I use that term loosely as the laughing stock they turned him into was nothing short of blasphemy.
I was sat in my seat literally PRAYING that it was just a slow start and that my senses would be subjected to the well known mind blowing action from the past, but as time ticked on and I sank lower in my chair my heart sank with it. Keanu and Carrie-Ann did their best I believe in a devastatingly poorly written and executed low budget feeling movie.
And for those crying, “but it’s a love story, it’s not about the Matrix….bullsh!t. Their story IS the Matrix. You cannot make up for the abysmal lack of storyline in this movie, so many opportunities, so many directions it could have gone in, so many chances for a continuance of a once great trilogy…. Blasted out of the water by p!ss poor cinematography ( even the close ups on Carrie’s face were awful) a world were no one dies now and once great characters are ridiculed and destroyed.
Save your money, give it to the homeless instead.