Only 3 Stars due to an unexpected, rather lengthy stay here…
Apparently, our Avro Tudor went down here, in January 17th, 1949. Star Ariel lays beneath the waves…
After a rather delusional awakening into terror through our downing, Our few survivors managed to drift ashore on cargo boxes…
The years past, and I have adapted to my island… the others helped my upbringing, however, they are no longer around anymore…
Nobody comes here; no aeroplanes, nor grand ships, nor ocean-wanderers- such as myself.
I’ve managed to learn over the years, through trash coming across the waves of my front home…
In time, I’ve found these various telecommunications devices, but alas none ever possessed signal within my triangular coffin…
But one orange evening, a “smartphone” (one of which is so smart, yet however still lacks the intelligence to aide myself in meeting society once again!)
It previously belonged to one “Ms. Benson”
I have all of your old memories ma’am. I’ve seen a world gone by through your past! Even though I miraculously attain an elderly status… I am in poor upkeep.. I may not last longer…
I hope one day still, I’ll see that grand vessel, or an aeroplane! Something to bring me home again!
Perhaps one day, my review gets into the newspapers!
Yours Truly,
J. S. -2009, Bermuda