I know a lot of democrats are upset about the number of red states. However, they are us and live in our country. Their voice should be heard and we should try to understand why they voted the way they did. I know some of them have told me that they are upset with the far left liberal ideas and are tired of the way so many are trying to divide us by race or sexual bents. Maybe we should stop trying to make us fit into little boxes, one box for blacks, another for Latinos, another of LGBT folks, Let's stop boxing us and dump all of us into what we know as the United States and begin to work together. Many have told me that they have received mail from their health plans asking what pronouns they want to be used on them. Why should we invent pronouns to separate us? Why can't we be humans and adults? I'm voting for unity, not divisions. Let's start working together. Our country needs us.