I was blown away by this series of Colin! He shows his vulnerability as a teenager and his awakening of people being racist towards him throughout his years. Also his awakening of MICROAGGRESSIONS from everyone around him, including his parents. He may have been whining about some things, but he had to find out these things alone, meaning (his parents couldn't and didn't want to understand and when they thought they did, they didn't embrace him as a black young man and the things that come with it, they wanted him to assimilate to make it easy for everyone) and all through this he was still in positivity of making it as a QB. The NFL's comparison to slavery at the beginning is the measurement of physical capability to the sport and of course black, white, Latino, and AAPI go through this making millions, it is STILL comparable to slavery if your descendants came from slavery. If they didn't, you have no idea. I feel this series is about Colin's AWAKENING to the BS and he is calling it out to awaken those that need the encouragement. Obviously, his calling is higher than just a QB! #Teamblueblack #Staywoke