I live in a small town called Redbridge in a city called North Bay in Canada. I just recently got to watch your show. It was by accident one day while flipping stations. I loved it right away. The people are amazing that are in it and so skilled. I cant believe how they can turn such precious old things looking so good after they work on them. I wish we had something like that where i live. I was born in England. Huddersfield, Yorkshire but left when i was about 10. We moved to Canada because there were good opportunities for work here . My dad came first with nothing but a vacuum cleaner. To find a job and get a place for us to live. Once he did he sent for me ,my two sisters and my mum. I have gone back to England many times to visit family on my mum’s side. When i was little my Grandmother Rose (who we lived with while my dad was in Canada) and Granddad Pat would take care of us. From the time i was born i always remember being around my Grandmother. She was your typical Grandparent who dotted on me. Spoiled me rotten and always smelled like cookies. She has this book that she told me her grandmother (who would be my Great Grandmother) would read to her every night from a book that her great mother would read to her. It was giving to my great great Grandmother when was she was pregnant with her first child to read to her daughter at bed time. Her name was Elsie Winstanley Finch it was giving to her by her Uncle Walter on Dec 6th 1896. It is called a Touch and Go book. What makes it so special is that the picture would change. There is a tab you would pulled down and the pictures would change. I loved this book so much when my Grandmother died it came to me. I was very close to my Grandmother and even though i was very small I remember sitting on her lap by the fireplace while she read me the stories. The book was done by a man called Fred E. Weatherly. I would love to have the book restored to its glory so i could some day pass it on to my granddaughters if i ever get any or grandsons when they have a little girl. It has always been passed to a girl in the family so she could continue to read it to her children at bed time. I love your show so much and I really wish there was some way i could get it to you but i would be afraid it would get lost somewhere. I feel like i know all of you that work there and i dont think i would trust it to anyone else. Maybe some day if i am able to could come back to England and have you restore if for me . I wish i could send you a picture of it. Well that is my story and i will continue watching your show and see how much joy you bring to the faces of the people who entrust you with their very special airlooms . Thank you so much
Cg Gallivan
From North Bay Canada