"Kooman" is the tale of a sensitive Civil Police Officer, who goes to the extend of giving nice scheming on the sly to his superior officer when the former's ego is hurt. But in that process, the hero falls into a mental dilemma. And then he begins solving the mystery behind a series of deaths in his village and that probe leads him to Tamil Nadu too. At a glance, the film has an intriguing first half even as the climax portions are a bit overdone. The plot has unconvincing elements but Jeethu Joseph could sustain the suspense milieu intact till the climax. Performance-wise, Asif Ali could create an impact throughout. In fact, Jaffer Idukki as thief Maniyan steals the show within the limited space given to him. The film makes you keep guessing about the killer in major parts and that's the strength of the tale, scripted by KR Krishnakumar. It's a bit lengthy and you may not be convinced of certain incidents in the film. Overall, a watchable suspense thriller ..3/5 [DON'T GROUSE THAT JEETHU JOSEPH HASN'T GIVEN ANOTHER "DRISHYAM" :) ]